About the project and the author

OSINT.DigitalSide.IT is a personal project with the only purpose to share valuable security information for free.

All infos are shared "as is" with no warranty.

The Author

My name is Davide Baglieri and I'm a security researcher and consultant. You can find more information at the following links:

My personal purpose about this project is basically for Research & Developing in a continue education and training process I started the 23th of September 1979.


All costs related to malware analysis equipment, data collection, sharing capabilities including the servers are in charge of mine. The project have no commercial support from any vendor in order to maintain independency, freedom and gratuity.

Please, consider to make a donation in order to maintain the service alive. All the funds raised will primarily be used to pay the costs of the public servers (the TAXII2 service is temporary suspended du to cost contraints) and secondary to improve backend analysis.

Sharing samples

Malware samples are not included in the reports. If you need some binary file for further analysis and investigation send an email to info[at]digitalside.it, qualifing yourself as member of a SOC/CSIRT/CERT or other cyber security organization working on public safety. No commercial company will be supported at all.

Only PGP signed and encrypted emails from a valid sender will have feedback.

PGP public key is available at the following link 31A31ECBC08D1D915D0804794B52421994B83BC6.